High IQ can be accompanied by bad habits.

Psychologists from the University of Minnesota have found that people with high intelligence often have bad habits, such as irregular sleep, unhealthy eating and untidiness.

American psychologists from the University of Minnesota conducted a study that found that high intelligence can be accompanied by bad habits.

People with high IQ often neglect a healthy lifestyle, have irregular sleep patterns, and sometimes show rudeness in communication.

Scientists explain this by the peculiarities of thinking – a constant stream of ideas forces intellectuals to postpone everyday things, such as healthy eating or a strict daily routine. Many of them also do not like restrictions, so they act according to their own schedule.

Researchers note that directness and sometimes sharpness in speech are associated with a large vocabulary and a desire to clearly convey an idea. At the same time, there are a significant number of people with high IQ who adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, so this issue remains individual.

It was previously reported that researchers from the University of Hasselt in Belgium concluded that children who grew up in a green environment have a higher IQ.

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